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Septodont Dimenol Spray

Septodont Dimenol Spray

Regular price Rs. 439.00
Regular price Rs. 470.00 Sale price Rs. 439.00
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  • No significant effect on the dimensional stability of impressions.
  • Compatible with casting materials.
  • Bactericidal: NF EN 13727.
  • Yeasticidal: NF EN 13624.
  • Virucidal: active against HIV-1 according to NF T 72-180


Septodont Dimenol spray solution is used for the prevention of cross-infection between dental surgery and the laboratory to protect patients and staff. Since impression materials cannot tolerate heat sterilization, they must be disinfected chemically. The efficacy of this disinfectant is comparable to that of glutaraldehyde and chlorine-based disinfectants. This is an alcohol-based disinfectant spray and can be used in the dental operatory and lab settings. 


  • Disinfection of impression materials (alginate, silicone).

 Key Specifications 


  • Keep receptacles tightly sealed.
  • Keep away from heat and direct sunlight.
  • Ensure good ventilation/exhaustion at the workplace.
  • Keep ignition sources away - Do not smoke.
  • Protect against electrostatic charges.

Active Ingredient: 

  • Isopropyl Alchohol 

 How to Use 

  • Clear the impressions of any debris, blood, saliva immediately after removal from the patient's mouth.
  • Personal protective equipment must be utilized and adequate ventilation should be in place when the disinfectant is being used.
  • Spray the disinfectant onto the impressions at a safe distance away from the operator.
  • Wait for the solution to dry. 
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